junk removal

How to Declutter Your Home in Time for the New Year

The New Year is always a great opportunity for a fresh start. This can be the perfect time to declutter your home and get rid of things you may not need. Decluttering your home can be beneficial to you in multiple ways; it can help create more space and freshen up your home along with reduce stress and anxiety that comes with disorganization. Decluttering your home may seem tedious, but it can be a fun project to set aside some time for. Not sure where to start? Continue reading for tips and advice on clearing up space. 

Dedicate enough time to complete the task

The best approach to decluttering your home is finding a good amount of time to start and finish! Most of the stress and reluctance to complete the task will diminish once you dedicate the time to the project. Avoid starting the task on a busy day or when you know you won’t finish. Consider finding time on a Sunday (Sunday cleaning) to start the week off on a clean slate or on a day you have off from work.

Separate things you want to keep

Start by going through your home and deciding which items you’d like to keep. These could be appliances you consistently use or tools you know you need. Consider these questions when thinking about which items are meant to be kept: 

  1. Is this something I love and will continue to use? 
  2. Do I have multiple of these items and do I need to have multiple? 
  3. Will this item last me a long time? 
  4. What do I or will I use this item for? 
  5. Can I live without this item? 

Separate Donations from Junk

Next is going through the items you have decided you did not need. Separate them into two piles of donations and junk. Donations should have items that are still in good condition–avoid broken, torn, or overly used items. These can be donated to neighbors, family members, salvation armies, and more! Do what is convenient for you. 

Junk should be the items that are broken or worn down. If you are not sure how to get rid of your junk, especially heavy appliances, consider hiring a professional junk removal to clear up the rest of your clutter. 

Hire Junk Removal

Once you separate your donations from your junk, hire a junk removal specialist to get rid of the heavy bulk of your project. At Busy Bee Disposal, we specialize in junk removal and are passionate about helping our clients make their decluttering projects much easier. Looking to start decluttering your home for the new year? Contact us today for a free quote! 781-605-8277

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